Friday, May 26, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hello Ego-sters! Hope you people are feeling great. Who am I kidding. You're all always great. Anyway, SAMANTA will be playing at Gas Haus this Sat 27th May. Do come down if you can. We'll be playing with a great line up of bands. Local Bar Boys, My Squared Circle, Monroe, Mistaken Identity, Murder Her On The Dance Floor. It'll be a fun night. Gig starts at 7pm and there'll be an entry fee of $10 BUT it includes one drink so I guess it's still ok.
Gas Haus is at 114 Middle Road. It's one of the 4 corners opposite the old NAFA building, the new National Library at Bras Basah and the always there Bugis Shopping Centre.
p/s: If you no money, then come and listen to us from outside but hey...where's the fun in there. Oh, we've also uploaded an old video from one of our gigs ontp You Tube. Just go to and search for Samanta.
See you guys there!